Sharks Pacific

The Road to Conservation

July 26, 2020
Jess Cramp, Shark Conservationist

Many aspiring marine conservationists ask us about our Founder, Jess Cramp’s,  journey to becoming a shark researcher. Jess shared her story with the If/Then Initiative as part of the If/Then Collection. Jess is one of 125 If/Then ambassadors, all of whom are innovative women in STEM. The If/Then Collection is a free media library featuring thousands of images and videos celebrating diverse and authentic women in STEM, with the goal of making it possible for young women and girls to see themselves as the next STEM pioneers.


Check out the library full of images videos and more >


Brina Carey is Sharks Pacific's Director of Operations. She has spent her career working as a steward of the outdoors and public lands and as a creative consultant for small businesses and nonprofits. Brina is an avid surfer whose connection with the ocean has inspired her work to protect it.

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